This month's life skill is SELF-RESPECT: having pride and confidence in oneself
-Get in touch with who you really are. Know what you want, what matters to you, and what you will/will not stand for. This will help you to focus on activities and people that encourage you to respect yourself.
-Forgive yourself for your mistakes. Mistakes are a part of life, but those who respect themselves know how to let those mistakes go.
-Build up your confidence. The more you believe in yourself, the easier it will be to treat yourself with love and respect.
-Take good care of your body. Making yourself feel good is one of the best ways to respect yourself. Treat yourself as you would of someone you love dearly.
-Speak positively. The way you speak about yourself says a lot about how much respect you have for who you are. So always try to speak positively
-Show resepct. Children who receive respect will learn to have self-respect
-Show them unconditional love. This is just one war that kids being to feel as though they are worth being loved
-Take their feelings seriously. Kids need to feel as that their thought, opinions, and feelings are important to individuals around them, like their family.
Kids Martial Arts Keller
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Great place to start learning BJJ.
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